Wednesday 4 March 2009

Barbies, Eggs, and Planes

The group that has appeared at, and disrupted, several major airports over the past year should probably have a rethink about their name, “Plane Stupid”. As the organisation was set up in the first place to draw public attention to its fight against airport extension, and the pollution caused by air travel, the name seemed very apt and witty. However, their antics are now making thousands of travellers very angry indeed, with holidays and business meetings etc. being missed. Warning folk of pollution and global warming at this time of economic gloom falls mostly on deaf ears anyway, so I suppose that they should face facts, and call themselves “Plain Stupid”.

Gordon Brown, the British Prime Minister, met Barack Obama for over an hour yesterday, and was then in effect dismissed, as the President had important things to attend to. It’s rather sad to see our Prime Minister just about begging for approval from the head of the United States, in fact looking like a dog that wanted to be petted. Of course, it now seems that the Obamas have decided on the kind of dog they’re going to have in the household, a Portuguese Water dog. However, they are still having problems about choosing a name for it. Easy, I would have thought – Gordon.

Yesterday, a Democratic delegate from Lincoln County in West Virginia, Jeff Eldridge, proposed a Bill that would outlaw Barbie Doll sales in the region. He cites their unhealthy influence on girls, which he says focuses on physical beauty too much. Other critics blame the doll for an unnatural body image. Well, I’m not sure about that, but if there’s fellows out there who are having problems in attracting real life dolls, maybe they should have a look at the next paragraph.

It is now 20 years since Edwina Currie warned us in Britain of the potential harm from eggs. Now, however, there is much better news on the egg and Y-fronts. Men with libido problems might find themselves taking food fetishes one step further. A study from the National Academy of Sciences has found that the scent of rotten eggs can be of tremendous benefit to a guy’s love life. The gas, properly called hydrogen sulphide, is not one that you would normally expect to find in a boudoir, so I can only hope and assume that an odourless form can be produced before we see it on the chemist’s shelf. It might give an eggstra boost to the libido, but I wonder if too much of this Vieggra would cause a man’s own eggs to rot.

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