Thursday 15 January 2009

Junk Mail and Helicopters

Well, that's the New Year festivities over for another year. It's now back to the never ending round of bills arriving, by email, telephone, snail mail, and even via some guy with a balaclava pulled over his head, if I happen to be a couple of days late with a payment. Talking of ordinary post, although the bills are bad enough, I notice that unwanted mail is making a comeback in a big way. I think every insurance company in the UK, and beyond, seem to know me well all of a sudden.

A few months ago, my age changed, and a couple of weeks before that momentous event, I received a letter offering congratulations, and in the next paragraph asking me to cough up a measly £37 a month for a Life Insurance policy. It was pointed out to me how great I would feel, knowing that a cash sum would be available for my loved ones,  or to help towards the funeral costs. I suddenly felt that I didn't really feel like getting any older.

Yesterday, it was the turn of one of the Motor Insurance giants, telling me of the advantages of switching my cover to their company as from next month, seeing my premium was due then. Well, I would probably have had a good look at their  terms, especially if  I  was in the position of owning a car. Unfortunately for them,  I gave that up some time ago, when  I decided to  install a  helicopter in my  extended  driveway.  I find it much easier for my island hopping, with no ferries or causeways to deal with. I'm just back from Rockall, to make sure that the Russians have not popped up there to plant their own flag on the island. Of course, Iceland, The Republic of Ireland, and Denmark all claim that it belongs to them as well. You haven't heard of it? Ah, just go to Google, then Wikipedia, and all will be revealed. If you're thinking of spending your holidays in an unusual location, it could be just the place you're looking for, although you'll have to hurry, as bookings are being snapped up fast, according to the main Rockall Tourist Office.



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